All We Have To Decide…

Should You Drive The Piilani Highway aka The “Forbidden Road” After The Road To Hana?

This is Part 2 of a series on The Road to Hana and the "Forbidden Road" aka the Piilani Highway…

3 years ago

A Lost Year

Last year, at this time I was on my way home from a (last ever?) business trip in the far…

4 years ago

The Darkest Day Of The Year

As happens every year, December 21st has the distinction of having the most hours of darkness out of any other…

4 years ago

10 Years Gone… Two Months On The Open Road

Ten years ago, on this day, I set out on my most epic adventure. Ever since I was in a…

5 years ago

Finding Adventure In The Everday: Pandemic Edition

But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come.…

5 years ago

Is Grace Bay Beach In Turks Caicos The Best Beach In The World? A Review.

One of the reasons we decided to go to Turks and Caicos for our second overseas getaway since Jacob was…

5 years ago

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I…

6 years ago

A New Adventure Begins

On January 10th of this year, Ariel and I went on a little sidequest to picturesque New Brunswick, New Jersey.…

7 years ago

Sidequest: Sagamore Hill and Teddy Roosevelt Museum

It's been a while now since we got back from our Alaskan adventure. Preparations for the baby (including some pretty…

7 years ago

Reflecting On A Final (Solo) Ride

As I sit here on night seven of my Alaska adventure with Ariel, my thoughts turn to last week's solo…

8 years ago